Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sri Subramaniar Devasthanam, Pandamaran, Klang (Selangor)


Jai Vinayagar, those who seek refuge in the glorious feet of Vinayagar will undoubtedly be victorious. On a gloomy afternoon in March 2008, a crew of menacing construction workers had come to demolish the entrance gate of Sri Subramanyar Temple located at Pandamaran, Klang. The workers were ordered by an insolent business owner to claim back the entrance area of the temple, as he was disputing the ownership of the land. The workers did a preliminary survey to start their work the following day. The leader of the crew took some pictures as part of the survey. To their shock, a colossal Vinayagar appeared in the photos, stretching from the ground to the sky. Vinayagar had emerged from the astral dimension, to warn whomever threatens the temple as well to ward off impending danger to the sacred location. The workers were visibly shaken and refused to implement the demolishment. Thereafter, the business owner decided to end his enmity with the temple and did not proceed further with the plan to demolish the temple entrance. 

The golden 'Vel' (Spiritual Spear) shatters our shackles of ignorance, and the 'asuric' (demonic) bonds that lead us astray are dispelled by waves of spiritual illumination emitting from the sacred 'Vel'. A huge 'Vel' situated at the rear end of the temple signifies this aspect. The temple was collectively started by plantation workers from the Golden Hope Plantation during the British occupation of Malaya. Despite their meagre income, they built a spiritual abode with brick and mortar, so that the temple would become a legacy for their children. The spiritual pride of the temple is imbued within the statues of Vinayagar, Subramanyar and Mariamman that were formerly kept at the main sanctum. These aged statues are now safely kept at the back end of the temple. Before returning home, many devotees pay their respect to these deities.

This temple was originally designed as temple for Mariamman, however was changed to become a Subramanyar temple at the very last minute. This subtle exchange was transpired in the heavenly realms, to flourish the essence of 'Kaumara' (worship of Subramanyar) vibrancy within the vicinity of Pandamaran, Klang. Nonetheless, Mariamman is ethereally present within this temple. During restoration works at the temple, a construction worker was involved in the reinforcement work for cement columns. The sluggish worker hastily did this work as he was not interested in the job requirement. That very night, goddess Mariamman came in his dream and sternly reprimanded his lethargic behaviour. The very next day the worker sought forgiveness from Mariamman. Thereafter, he improved his attitude and performed his work diligently at the temple. 

There are many miracles that occur continuously at this temple. An individual who is of an Abrahamic faith was found lingering around the temple entrance. When the temple authorities suspected he might be up to mischief, he was promptly questioned. To their astonishment, the individual requested if a prayer could be supplicated on his behalf. He and wife who were happily married for many years were suddenly estranged due to domestic squabbles. He was on the verge of despair, when he decided to consult a spiritual healer. He was then advised to come to this particular temple, and request for assistance. Unsure of what to do, he came to the temple drenched in melancholy. A priest was informed of the situation, and was requested to perform a 'puja' (worship) and the temple sanctum. Upon completion of the 'puja', the individual was given 'vibhuti' (holy ash) and 'tirtham' (holy water). He looked relieved after the completion of the 'puja', and went back contentedly. Within a few day, his wife returned home and the both of them lived happily thereafter. 

A lady devotee who had an acute kidney failure, was given a few days to live by her attending doctor. This fatal news gravely affected the lady and her husband, and they started sobbing in despair. The husband rushed to the temple and pleaded with his beloved Subrahmanyar to spare the life of his wife for the sake of his children. He got down on his knees and wept in front of the inner sanctum. He would not get up until he received an indication that his plea would not go in vain. Suddenly some flowers fell on to the deity's pedestal, an assurance from Subramanyar that the devotee's plea was received graciously and bestowed with blessings. Sure enough his wife recovered and lived for many years until their children grew up. 

A young couple originating from the United States were without offspring. They attempted all scientific procedures to have children, however it was futile. With a dismal heart, they narrated their unfortunate predicament to their Malaysian relatives. Their relatives immediately brought them to this temple and requested the couple to seek blessings from our tender hearted Subramanyar. After returning back to the United States, the couple were soon blessed with children. They were overjoyed with delight, after suffering many depressing years of infertility. As a sign of gratitude, the couple contributed towards the 'maha kumbhabhishekam' (consecration ceremony) of the temple. 

On a different incident, a lady devotee experiencing marital discord in her life decided to end her life abruptly. She attempted to commit suicide on a road collision, ploughing her vehicle into a large lorry. Although her vehicle was totally destroyed, she managed to survive. In state of dizziness, she noticed a young boy holding her hands and leading her out of the car. Still groggy, she was led by the young boy in a loincloth into a nearby temple. The young boy was encouraging her every step of the way. The young boy then told her that she has a reason to live, and that her problems would soon dissipate. When she started gaining back her senses, the boy abruptly disappeared. She then realised the young boy in a loincloth was none other than the ever compassionate Subramanyar. Thereafter, she decided to dedicate her life to benefit the downtrodden of society. Her mental health improved considerably, and she found new meaning that rejuvenated her mind and soul.  

Pradosham puja is conducted with much devotion at this temple. After the 'puja' is completed, a pious devotee who constantly performs pilgrimage to Mount Kailash serves an unique 'prasadam'. This 'prasadam' consists of holy water from Lake Manasarovar and soil from Mount Kailash. This 'prasadam' is brimming with celestial 'shakti' (energy), and possesses abundant blessings from the heavenly realms. Many childless couples who have partaken this 'prasadam' have been blessed with offspring. Devotees facing constant financial difficulties and employment uncertainties find a permanent solution. 

The temple's water tank is another focal point in the temple. A devotee had a vision of herself partially immersed in the sacred water tank, her hands held above her head in unison to receive cosmic blessings from a golden hued Shiva Lingam. The temple's water tank is significant during prayers for departed ancestors. Upon completion of the prayers, participating devotees dip in the water tank and pray for the salvation of their departed ancestors. The arduous journey of the soul upon death is definitely alleviated by this prayer. 

An unique aspect of this temple is the heroic statue of Muneeswaran galloping on his horse, guarding the vicinity of the temple with fearless bravery. This statue is at the entrance of the temple, hence all devotees pay obeisance to Muneeswaran before entering the temple. A factory worker was riding his motorcycle back home after a laborious day at work. His motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of the temple. He decided to light a cigarette and ponder on what to do next. As soon as he lit a cigarette, he started hearing the neighing of a horse. As he turned his head, he glanced at a magnificent white horse galloping swiftly and fading instantly into the Muneeswaran statue. The factory worker frantically jumped on his motorcycle, and sped home. At home, he fearfully narrated the incident to his wife. His wife decided to come the next day to the Muneeswaran shrine with offerings of fruits and flowers, and request forgiveness on behalf of her husband. She went back home fully aware that her genuine plea would pacify the merciful Muneeswaran. Glory to our heroic deity on a horse. 

Contact: 016 5303230   Address: Lot PT 127752, Jln Pandamaran, Klang, Selangor.