It is customary for the ‘Chettiar’ community to build temples wherever they reside. Therefore, in the year 1899, this spiritual haven was established by the enterprising Nacchappan Chetiar. This businessman was living at a nearby ‘Chettiar ketinggi’ (residence of Chettiar traders), and always used to walk past a vacant land on his way home after work in the evening. On a particular evening, he saw an apparition of a young boy playing with a ‘mayil’ (peacock) on the vacant land. The young boy silently waved at Nachappan Chettiar, requesting him to come hither. Nachappan Chettiar was astounded by this vision, and immediately decided to build a temple at this premise. He purchased the vacant land, installed a ‘Vel’ (diving javelin) and initiated spiritual prayers for Lord Thandayuthapani.

Many of the former priests have experienced the playful antics of the presiding deity. As Lord Thandayuthapani is youthful, he always teases his ardent devotees. Veeramani Gurukkal who was attached to a different temple at that time, dreamt of beautiful, slender ‘Vel’. After his dream, he became restless and could not sleep at night. After several weeks, he came to the Bala Thandayuthapani temple to replace his uncle, who had left back to Sri Lanka. He realised the divine instruction from the infant deity, and faithfully served Lord Thandayuthapani. While in attendance, the devoted priest always had visions of a lustrous child running around the temple, playing with peacocks. This indicates the presence of divinity at this temple, both mystical and beyond comprehension.
The temple boasts of having the largest ‘Thanga Ratham’ (golden chariot) for Lord Thandayuthapani in Malaysia. The splendour and intricacy of the golden chariot is immaculate. The frame is made from teak, and covered with a copper plate covering. The covering has been coated with gold, utilising up to 2.5kg of gold. As gold has the highest spiritual vibration, it is a metal that attracts spiritual blessings from the realms above.
Address: 139A, Jalan Yam Tuan, 70000 Seremban. Tel: 06-7638011/7628012
Dear Kumaresh,
Here is some recerch I have done on the Hindu Calendar, namely KaliYuga.
Hindus believe that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga - one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of eras, as described in Hindu scriptures. They predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years.
Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu Calendar
It is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 B.C. There is only a difference of 12 years between the Hindu's beginning of the Kali Yuga and the Mayan's beginning of the Fifth Great Cycle.
Golden Age Could Begin in 2012
The ancient Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used solar calendars. If an average lunar year equals 354.36 days, then this would be about 5270 lunar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 21 Dec 2012. This is the same year that the Mayans predict rebirth of our planet. It is also about 5113 solar years of 365.24 days per year, and is day number 1,867,817 into the Kali Yuga. By either solar or lunar years, we are over 5,000 years into the Kali Yuga and it is time for Lord Krishna's prophecy to happen according to the ancient Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna's Golden Age could easily begin in 2012!
Mayan Prophecy Matches Hindu Prophecy
It is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over 5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! We are definitely on to something with these Mayan and Hindu 2012 predictions. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two ancient cultures did not have any contact.
well its 2024 and only thing happend was Covid in 2020 and 2021. Nothing else happened and the world is still around
It is what it is
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