The Sri Ambal temple in Kuala Lukut was started in the early 1890’s by establishing a shrine at an ‘Arasamaram’ (neem tree). It was frequented by Indian plantation workers that were residing in nearby plantations. As these workers faced numerous problems such as diseases, financial constraints and social isolation, they prayed to Goddess Ambal for spiritual relieve. After the First World War, the rubber prices had risen. Therefore many devotees contributed their share of wealth to establish a temple in honour of Goddess Ambal. A well-known priest was asked to perform the consecration ceremony of the temple. The priest advised the temple committee to place a statue of an 18 hand Durga Amman, after receiving a spiritual instruction upon entering the temple premise.

Many unique spiritual experiences have occurred at this temple. Some time ago a taxi driver had picked up an unusual passenger at 4.30 am. The passenger was dressed in a dazzling white sari and decked with gold jewellery. The taxi driver asked the passenger whether it was safe to travel with so much jewellery, but the passenger laughed and stated that she was fearless. The passenger asked to be dropped in front of the temple, and immediately vanished. Soon after this incident, the taxi driver's business started to prosper and he has acquired a large amount of wealth. There are many other devotees that have received the grace of the residing deity. A devotee who was retarded always prayed to the Goddess Ambal, and participated in Durga ‘puja’. Due to her devotion, her ailment was alleviated and is now happily married. Also, the beauty of this devotee has increased manifold, conceivably by the ‘shakti’ (spiritual energy) of the Goddess Ambal.
An auspicious ceremony is held in this temple during the month of ‘Adi’, whereby a 10 day 'tiruvila' (celebration) is held. The spiritual energy of Goddess Ambal is at her peak, and all her devotees can feel the electrifying energy surrounding the temple. At night, the temple priests hear ‘salangai oli’ (ankle bells sound) around the temple, signifying the presence of Goddess Ambal.
Address: Km 5, Jln Seremban, 71010 Lukut, Port Dickson. Tel: 06-6515400
proud to see my AMMA here...thurkaam thevygam saranamaham prabatyeh suthara sitharakshe namaha...thum thurgaayai...
Hi every 1..this incident just happen few days ago,whereby I and my Amma devotees from Batang Berjuntai Sri Rudra Veerama Kaliamman Temple went to this temple around afternoon.Unfortunately the temple was closed as it was noon and the day before they had a special prayers til late midnight for AMBAL as it was New Year 2012,so we waited at the entrance and the childrens was shouting for the priest.So the priest got up cause it was noisy.Than as he opened the main door,I and my friend entered the temple after we washed our leg.As we stepped the main building of Ambal,we heard the "kolusu" sound,very clearly from the main Ambal Vikraham as though a small girl was wearing the ankle in the leg and running away as she saw us.The best part here is,there are about 30 of us but only I and my friend heard it.This was really a blessing for us as it was 1st January,New Year 2011.We prayed full hearty to HER and ask her to forgive US we disturbed HER while SHE was enjoying herself.We really felt like we got her full blessing as the the priest open the main Ambal door for us but the curtain was closed just like it was.We felt a bit reluctant as we are already in the temple but couldn't see Ambal.Coincidentally, a guy came from the shelter beside the temple and opened the curtain.WE was almost drop tears as AMBAL was really beautiful with her FULL Alangaram and was smiling at us.As the priest came he started to stare at us and question us who gave the right to open the curtain but we told him its not we the one opened but the guy who was sweeping the floor at that time is the one.And he just kept quiet and went.We manage to snap her picture and I kept her as a wallpaper in my phone for few days.AMMA is really a wonderful and great mother for us.
Hi..morning i want search Siva durgai amman temple in seremban or port dickson
Its in Lukut, which is close to Port Dickson
I need to hv the contact person of this temple urgently...planning to visit for Aadhi Velli - last day tomorrow 13 Jul 2020. Can u help to pass the committee number pls
Unfortunately, the contact number that I have doesn't seem to work
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